"Am I falling apart?"
My doctor says No. He just thinks I am "in-tune" with my body and I'm "aware when things are out of whack". He said that it's a good sign I actually take care of myself and get things taken care of before they take over.
Whatever... blah... blah... blah...
So now - I am minus a uterus and the tumors entombed in that uterus. There will be no more biological children in my future. Not that I want to get rid of my current husband and search out a new man to provide me with sperm to conceive a child with my own biology. But it still makes me sad to think that part of my life is over.
There is a bright side! NO MORE PMS : )
I keep putting off the same surgery... for the same reason. :)
Take Care of yourself... and Breath.
Yeah, I've gotten that "in tune with your body" thing before. I never can tell if it's a compliment or a masked way of saying I'm a hypochondriac. :-)
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